Wednesday, February 12, 2025

EPA makes $7 million available for school bus retrofitting and replacement rebates

EPA makes $7 million available for school bus retrofitting and replacement rebates.
EPA makes $7 million available for school bus retrofitting and replacement rebates.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on Monday that it is accepting applications for rebates totaling nearly $7 million for school bus fleet owners, both public and private, who replace or retrofit older school buses.

This is the first year that the rebate program will include retrofitting, allowing owners to receive benefits for the installation o Diesel Oxidation Catalysts and Closed Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) systems, which stand to reduce emissions by 25 percent. Retrofitting will earn schools $3,000, while replacement buses will be worth $15,000 to $25,000. Fleet operators can request rebates for 10 replacement buses and 10 retrofitted ones, though fleets of more than 101 buses can apply twice.

"Our kids spend a lot of time on the school bus, and buses spend a lot of time in our neighborhoods and schoolyards -- they are a national symbol of safety,” EPA Office of Air and Radiation Acting Assistant Administrator Janet McCabe said. "Significantly improving school bus fleets across the country with retrofits, replacements and idle reduction practices is imperative in meeting the agency’s goal of reducing children’s exposure to air toxics.”

EPA testimony statements are available at