Wednesday, June 19, 2024

State official praises report on hydraulic fracturing in Michigan

Responding to the Graham Sustainability Institute’s final report on high-volume hydraulic fracturing in Michigan, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Director Dan Wyant issued a statement this week commending the University of Michigan-based organization’s efforts.

“The DEQ takes seriously its role of protecting public health and the environment. We are proud of our regulatory track record on fracturing in Michigan,” Wyant said. “The staff who work in the DEQ’s Office of Oil, Gas and Minerals are seasoned professionals who understand the industry they regulate, as well as this state’s unique geology, both of which are keys to ensuring environmental protection.

The report analyzes the state’s policy options regarding hydraulic fracturing, often called fracking. The industry does not have a large presence in Michigan as of now, but the potential for economic growth and job creation could see expansion in the future.

“We appreciated having a seat at the table, along with the Michigan (Department of Natural Resources) and the Michigan Agency for Energy, as the University of Michigan’s Graham Sustainability Institute completed its work, and the fact that many of our clarifications and recommendations are reflected in the final report,” Wyant said. “The State of Michigan appreciates the Graham Sustainability Institute’s work to produce a comprehensive, thoughtful look at issues around oil and gas production in Michigan. This report offers some useful information and options for state regulators to consider in the months and years ahead.”