EPA releases additional data on Gold King Mine incident

The spill occurred on Aug. 5 at the Gold King Mine, near Durango, Colorado, and was triggered by EPA investigation actions. The mine discharged more than three million gallons of contaminated water into the Animas River, carrying heavy metals downstream into New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and the Navajo Nation.
The latest update from the EPA included data on sediments based on five sets of samples taken from Aug. 11 to 27 at more than 40 locations on the Animas and San Juan Rivers. Surface water samples were taken in two sets, between Aug. 7 and 13 and Aug. 23 and 25, at more than eight locations on the Animas and San Juan Rivers. Testing of these samples revealed that metal concentrations are trending towards the levels shown from samples taken before the spill.
The EPA also released documents pertaining to the Upper Animas Mining District Priorities Listing and additional photos of its response to the incident.