Penn State team releases report on effects of climate change in Pennsylvania

"The scientific data is clear: climate change is happening, and there will be impacts to Pennsylvania," Dr. James Shortle, the report’s lead author, said. "The effects of climate change will be felt across all parts of Pennsylvania -- agriculture, human health, water quality, energy, even outdoor recreation will be affected."
The report was commissioned by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and is the follow up of a 2008 release. It found that the state’s temperature will have increased by 3C by 2050, meaning that the climate of Philadelphia will be like today’s Richmond, Virginia, and Pittsburgh will be like Washington, D.C.
"This report shows that climate change is reality and it will get worse, and it will affect key sectors of the economy, our health and our quality of life," DEP Secretary John Quigley said. "We must respond to this challenge, and do so in a way that strengthens Pennsylvania's economy and improves the environment we live in. The entire state will experience the effects, and we must all take note of the consequences of our changing climate as detailed by Dr. Shortle and his colleagues."