Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pacific Northwest companies agree to pay EPA fines

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently reached settlements with Goodrich Corporation and Partner’s Produce, Inc., both based in the Pacific Northwest, over alleged violations of the Emergency Planning Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).

The companies allegedly failed to notify federal, state and local agencies after releasing hazardous substances, a serious violation of the EPCRA, which was created to keep communities and local emergency responders aware of companies storing hazardous materials in their area and of the companies’ emergency plans for those materials.

Based in Spokane, Washington, Goodrich allegedly released 25.5 pounds of hydrogen cyanide on Oct. 6, 2014, over a two-hour period, and did not report it for almost six weeks. Highly flammable and soluble in water, hydrogen cyanide can be fatal when inhaled or absorbed in the skin. Releases of more than 10 pounds of it must be reported.

Payette, Idaho’s Partner’s Produce allegedly did not report a Feb. 14, 2014 release of 378 pounds of anhydrous ammonia, which is a poisonous gas that can cause skin, mouth, throat and respiratory irritation as well as temporary blindness.

Goodrich agreed to a fine of $52,000, and Partner’s Produce to one of $67,392.