Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ohio EPA announces new Lake Erie focus team

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency announced the reshuffling of several senior staff members who will work exclusively on improving the water quality of Lake Erie via the implementation of a recent agreement between Michigan and Ontario to manage dredge material.

Ken Gebhardt is the Division of Surface Water chief and the deputy director for water resources after coming to the agency in 2014 from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. He will now work exclusively as the deputy director for water resources, focusing on implementing the agreement and therefore reducing nutrient levels, as well as maintaining the state’s commitment to keep dredge material disposal outside of Lake Erie.

Gebhardt will be working with Pam Allen, who is currently with the Division of Materials and Waste Management, on these goals. Allen spent 20 years in the Division of Hazardous Waste Management before becoming the Division of Materials and Waste Management head in 2007. Gebhardt will also work with the Lake Erie Commission.

Tiffani Kavalec will replace Gebhardt as Division of Surface Water chief and Terrie TerMeer will be the next Division of Materials and Waste Management chief.