Thursday, September 19, 2024

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council seeks public's input

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council is seeking public comment on its recently proposed initial Funded Priorities List, which allocates nearly $140 million in funds from the Transocean Deepwater, Inc. settlement for restoration activities.

The council was assembled to determine the best use of the funds. It consists of the governors of the five affected Gulf states, as well as federal officials including the secretaries of the Departments of the Interior, Commerce, Agriculture and Homeland Security, the secretary of the Army, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator.

The council initially will focus on 10 watersheds spread throughout the Gulf region, which were selected due to their high-priority locations and their critical ecosystems, according to the draft list. There are also Gulfwide projects to promote holistic ecosystem restoration.

The list’s public comment period is open until Sept. 28. Interested parties can submit their comments online, via mail or via email. The council also will be hosting a series of public meetings to discuss the list in Texas, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.