Wednesday, June 19, 2024

EPA reaches settlement with Coastal Energy Corporation

EPA reaches settlement with Coastal Energy Corporation.
EPA reaches settlement with Coastal Energy Corporation.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 7 has reached a settlement with Willow Springs, Missouri, company Coastal Energy Corporation concerning violations of the Clean Water Act and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).

According to EPA allegations, the company which manufactures asphalt oil and stores materials like liquid asphalt, ethanol and diesel fuel at its facility, did not have a response plan or an acceptable spill prevention, control and countermeasure plan and did not have the secondary containment measures required for oil storage, amongst other violations.

“The proposed settlement today represents a significant step forward in ensuring Coastal Energy Corporation is taking the necessary actions toward protecting the Eleven Point River and the communities it serves," EPA Region 7 Acting Regional Administrator Mark Hague said.

Under the settlement, the company will bring its facility into compliance and pay a penalty of $25,000. It will also spend at least $180,000 installing new technology to monitor the facility for spills 24 hours a day and provide local emergency response teams with new equipment, which are considered Supplemental Environmental Projects.

“This Supplemental Environmental Project is an example of how using advanced monitoring technologies coupled with real time e-reporting can protect the environment and drive compliance,” Hague said.

EPA testimony statements are available online at