Saturday, June 15, 2024

Virginia teacher wins Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Education

Virginia teacher wins Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Education.
Virginia teacher wins Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Education.
Middle school teacher Anne Moore, who teaches in Virginia’s Goochland County Public Schools, has won the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Education (PIAEE), according to a release from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued Monday.

Moore was honored for her development of various programs to inspire critical thinking among her students on environmental issues. In one such project, labeled “Trash to Treasure,” students analyzed local waste management practices and their impact on the area’s environment. Another, which encouraged students to research uses for illegally discarded tires, led to a Chesterfield County wide “Tire Amnesty Day,” wherein the community could dispose of their tires.

“Anne Moore has spent 16 years teaching students about the importance of environmental conservation and how their actions affect health and the environment,” EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin said. “Through her hard work and dedication, students leave the classroom with a better understanding of the delicate balance between humans and our environment and share that knowledge with families and communities.”

Moore also pushed students to participate in the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Study and the Prothonotary Warbler Investigative Study, giving them hands on experience in eco-system study.

EPA testimony statements are available online at