Friday, June 14, 2024

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council issues Initial Funded Priorities List

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, a group of federal agency officials and state governors tasked with determining how to spend the settlement funds from Transocean Deepwater Inc., has issued a draft Initial Funded Priorities List (draft FPL).

"The council is committed to working with Gulf communities and partners to invest in actions and projects that will ensure the long-term environmental health and economic prosperity of the Gulf Coast region," U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, chairperson of the Gulf Restoration Council, said. "We look forward to hearing from the community on prioritizing the proposed $183 million investment to restore the natural ecosystem, reinvigorate economies, create jobs and rebuild the environment for generations to come."

The draft FPL would allocate roughly $140 million for activities like hydrologic restoration, land conservation and the planning of large-scale restoration projects, while reserving $43.6 million for future projects. It is open to public comments until Sept. 28.

"This draft FPL focuses on key watersheds and estuaries across the Gulf, using foundational restoration techniques tailored to the needs of specific areas," Justin R. Ehrenwerth, executive director of the council, said. "We're fortunate to have a diverse and dedicated group of stakeholders who have helped to get us to this point. Once again, we ask for your feedback and assistance in ensuring that we do the right thing for the Gulf."