Monday, January 20, 2025

Boehner calls for 'full accountability' from EPA for contaminating river

U.S. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), speaker of the House, issued a statement on Wednesday in response to the Gold King Mine discharge, calling for accountability from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which triggered the event during inspection activities.

“This EPA spill is very serious, as is the EPA’s slow response," Boehner said. “The Obama administration must do everything in its power to protect the lives and livelihoods of the people in the affected states. As part of this effort, the secretary of the Interior must address tribal concerns fairly and transparently.”

The spill released heavy-metal-contaminated water into the Animas River, causing concerns for water quality as it moves downstream from Colorado and into New Mexico and Utah.

"The House will continue to monitor the situation, and the appropriate committees will conduct rigorous oversight to make sure the administration is assessing the damage the EPA has caused and taking action to clean it up,” Boehner said. “Now that his EPA has accepted full responsibility, President Obama should demand full accountability for what happened here.”

EPA Testimony Statements --