Wednesday, June 19, 2024

DTZ announces entry in EPA's Energy Star team challenge

DTZ announces entry in EPA's Energy Star team challenge.
DTZ announces entry in EPA's Energy Star team challenge.
Commercial real estate services company DTZ announced on July 23 that it will be competing in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2015 Energy Star Nation Building Competition in the Team Challenge category, competing against 125 other teams across the nation.

“Improving the energy efficiency of DTZ’s property management portfolio is one of the best ways for us to improve our built environment and produce cost savings for our building owners and tenants,” DTZ Vice President of Sustainability Services Allison Porter said. “We look forward to demonstrating the ability of our clients’ properties to go above and beyond when saving energy.”

Last year, buildings that DTZ submitted buildings that reduced greenhouse gas emissions by an equivalent of 1,457 cars, and in 2013 the company’s buildings reduced by 641 homes.

“Thousands of buildings from across the nation have thrown their hats in the ring and made a public commitment to reducing their energy and water use,” EPA Energy Star Commercial Buildings Program Director Jean Lupinacci said. “Organizations like those competing in this year’s National Building Competition are truly being leaders by putting themselves in the spotlight as they compete to protect the environment by saving as much energy and water as possible.”

The program will award companies and teams with the greatest percentage reduction of in energy and water consumption, which will be tracked monthly via the EPA’s Energy Star Portfolio Manager.