Monday, June 17, 2024

Clearwater Paper Company pays heavily for Clean Air Act violations

Clearwater Paper Company pays heavily for Clean Air Act violations.
Clearwater Paper Company pays heavily for Clean Air Act violations.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) case against Clearwater Paper Company, which was settled after allegations of Clean Air Act violations, should serve as warning to privately held manufacturing firms, according to a Thursday release from U.S. Compliance Corp.

Clearwater Paper Company was cited for violations involving total reduced sulfur and methanol releases. According to EPA Regional Manager of Air Compliance at the Seattle Office Scott Downey, the violations were caught by inspectors who saw emission from the mill’s pulp washer doors and the sawdust digester.

"It was a violation but it was not an imminent threat to public health," EPA Spokesman Mark MacIntyre said. "If we saw a big enough problem with their operation, such that we thought it might have immediate health effects, we have other emergency powers we can us. In this case that is not what we saw."

Clearwater’s settlement with the EPA involves a $300,000 fine and $800,000 in equipment upgrades and repairs to prevent future violations, including $43,000 to replace the pulp washer doors, with the bulk of the remaining balance going to fix the sawdust digester. U.S. Compliance Corp, a company that helps other organizations stay in compliance with OSHA and environmental regulations, used the Clearwater case to point out how much violations can cost manufacturers.