Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pan Am Railways to pay fine over alleged Clean Water Act violations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently reached a settlement with Pan Am Railways over alleged violations of the federal Clean Water Act at two New England rail yards, which will require the company to pay a $152,000 fine.

The company allegedly violated the state’s stormwater discharge permit and federal regulations regarding oil pollution prevention at its Waterville, Maine facility.  The violations included an inadequate stormwater pollution prevention plan, debris piles and oil stains, and a lack of erosion control measures.

Pan Am Railway's facility in East Deerfield, Massachusetts was cited for similar issues, also centered around stormwater and oil pollution. Specifically, the company allegedly did not have adequate site maps, and did not run stormwater inspections for 2011 or 2012. It also allegedly did not maintain basic measures to prevent potential sources of pollution and did not stabilize an area experiencing erosion.

In addition to the fine, Pan Am Railway will undergo an Environmental Culture Assessment and work to improve the environmental culture throughout its New England facilities.