Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Arizona DEQ announces $45,000 Brownfields Grant

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) announced today that it has given Angel’s Corner Inc., a Brownfields Grant of $45,000 to address asbestos and lead-based paint contamination at the former Canyon Trading Post.

The work will be overseen by the department's Voluntary Remediation Program.

“Recovering blighted properties by administering non-competitive grants through ADEQ’s Brownfields program is just one way we accomplish environmentally responsible economic growth in our state,” ADEQ Director Henry Darwin said. “Our staff works diligently with grant applicants to create customized solutions that maximize program benefits for each community’s unique needs.”

The cleanup at the Canyon Trading Post site is one of several steps towards redevelopment for the plot, which will be used to meet community needs upon completion. The site consists of five structures that were built between 1889 and 1991, and the property has been abandoned for four years.

The ADEQ Brownfields program, which is run through the State Response Grant and funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, has helped 50 projects fund environmental assessment and cleanup on abandoned sites.