Sunday, June 16, 2024

U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO applauds Supreme Court decision on EPA regulation

U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue saluted the Supreme Court’s decision in Michigan v. EPA, which ruled on Monday that the agency needs to consider the costs of rule implementation.

"The Supreme Court made it clear that EPA cannot turn a blind eye when it imposes massive costs on our economy in return for minimal environmental benefit,” Donohue said. “The decision affirms the common sense principle that Congress requires agencies to consider the consequences of regulations that they impose on businesses and consumers.”

The court’s decision found that the EPA did not properly consider the costs of enacting the Mercury Air Toxics rule, which was created under the Clean Air Act and limits the mercury pollution of coal-fired power plants.

"Today's decision underscores how important it is that unprecedented future EPA rules such as the Clean Power Plan, which also reaches beyond the agency's statutory power, not be implemented until the courts determine their legality,” Donohue said. “The mercury rule at issue today has already shut down dozens of power plants that provided affordable and reliable electricity. Our nation simply cannot afford to lose even more electricity generation at the hands of an out-of-control EPA."