Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ohio EPA calls for water quality grant applications

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency announced June 16 that $2 million in Clean Water Act grants is available for innovative or highly effective projects that improve water quality within the Lake Erie watershed.

The funding is provided by the federal EPA through Section 319 of the law and will go toward projects that fight non-point source (NPS) pollution, meaning those that restore streams, reduce nutrients or decrease sediment, although projects correcting stream modification damage or affecting river habitats also will be considered.

NPS pollution, which occurs when rain or snow melt picks up natural and man-made pollutants as it runs into lakes, rivers wetlands and other waterways, is the largest source of water quality issues in the United States. Its effects can be seen in drinking water quality, recreational water quality and aquatic and wildlife habitats.

Local governments and park districts are invited to apply for the 2016 funding before the Aug. 14, deadline. Applications must denote educational and outreach opportunities that the project will capitalize upon to show its benefits to the community.