Friday, June 21, 2024

EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations

The Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement with Damage Control & Restoration Inc., located in Kansas City, Kansas, last week after violations of the Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule were discovered during record-keeping investigations.

The EPA Region 7 inspections found that Damage Control & Restoration, which focuses on fire and water damage repairs, was not distributing required pamphlets or keeping the correct records to show safe work practices when undertaking projects with lead exposure risks.

The RRP Rule sets stipulations for organizations dealing with lead-based paint, which includes the renovation of homes built before 1978, in an effort to protect the public from lead exposure and toxic lead dust. Roughly 500,000 children ages 1 to 5 have blood lead levels that require health actions according to the Centers for Disease Control.

In addition to addressing its RRP Rule violations, Damage Control & Restoration has agreed to pay a penalty of $12,194 to the United States.