Sunday, June 16, 2024

New Zealand EPA reminds residents of upcoming anti-fouling paint regulations

The New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) recently reminded boaters and others who use antifouling paints of new, stricter regulations, intended to protect public safety, that will go into effect on July 1.

Under the new regulations, anyone using antifouling paints will be required to work in a controlled area – meaning the paint’s spray cannot escape and anyone not working with the paint cannot get in. In addition, users must post warning signs to inform bystanders of safety measures. Additionally, anyone removing antifouling paints will have to collect scrapings and waste for proper disposal.

The rules also extend to people importing the paints, including the addition of labelling that makes the user regulations clear.

The New Zealand EPA also reminded users of antifouling paints that a rule enacted two years ago requires protective clothing and equipment while applying it.

While the paints help boat owners by preserving hulls and even aid the environment through limiting marine pests, they can present health risks, which led to the regulations.

The New Zealand EPA has created a brochure to explain the new rules. It is available  on the agency's website and at marinas throughout the country.