Farmers union head disappointed by low EPA targets

“EPA’s delays in announcing the RFS have done a lot of damage to family farmers and to the fragile renewable fuel sector already, and the targets announced today are yet another setback,” Johnson said. “Family farmers are on the front line in climate change, and today’s decision will do little to help them."
The EPA's RFS targets are an 11.27 billion gallon shortfall over the three years for total biofuels.
“The unwillingness of EPA to adhere to the targets set forth in the law will continue to cause capital investment to turn away from the U.S. renewable fuel sector in favor of foreign investments, leaving this nation without a robust renewable fuel sector,” he said.
Johnson expressed confusion that after the administration took steps to address climate change it would not support a policy that would reduce gas consumption and increase the use of the more environmentally friendly ethanol.
"They refuse to utilize this low-hanging fruit by implementing existing law and isolating rural America from engaging in climate mitigation,” said Johnson.
Johnson encouraged EPA officials to reconsider and get volume targets back in line with federal guidelines.
“Home grown ethanol saves consumers 50 cents to $1.50 per gallon of gas and has added more than $1.7 billion to the U.S. economy,” he said. “This homegrown fuel supply has helped mitigate this nation’s dependence on foreign sources of petroleum while driving much needed investment in rural communities."