Friday, June 14, 2024

CleanB process earns EPA regulatory approval

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given National Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens Equivalency to BCR Environmental’s CleanB process, which is already the first and only Class B biosolids treatment process to gain national EPA regulatory approval.

CleanB -- an aerobic/chemical process that disinfects, deodorizes and enhances the dewatering of secondary sludge through the addition of chlorine dioxide -- represents a simple, cost-effective method for Class B treatment.

“The CleanB process is a digester in a box. It eliminates the need for costly and large-footprint digestion infrastructure,” BCR President and CEO Aaron Zahn said. “This translates into huge cost reductions for design, construction, operation, disposition and energy for municipalities that need to meet population growth or Class B regulatory compliance. In addition, the CleanB process provides substantial reductions in energy consumption, improvements in odor control by production of odorless biosolids cake, and reduces nutrient return loads created by digestion processes.”

CleanB was implemented at Florida’s Naval Air Station Jacksonville, where it generated $180,000 in savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by roughly 480 tons in its first year of full-scale operations. CleanB is able to positively impact local environments by replacing thickening and odor-control systems and eliminating aerobic digestion.