Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tennessee’s Knoxville Utilities Board completes 134 improvement projects

In compliance with a 2005 consent decree, the Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) has completed a range of work related to improving its systems and two supplemental environmental projects (SEPs), according to a release from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today.

"KUB has demonstrated a serious commitment to address its long-standing sewage overflow problems by implementing the Partners Acting for a Cleaner Environment sewer improvement program and meeting major consent decree milestones," EPA Regional Administrator Heather McTeer Toney said. “KUB’s efforts have resulted in a dramatic 82 percent drop in SSOs between 2003 and 2014, ensuring improved water quality for the people of Knoxville.”

Following the consent decree, the KUB has replaced or rehabilitated more than 275 miles of sewer lines and nearly 7,000 manholes. It has also built six storage tanks and begun construction on two wastewater treatment plant projects and implanted a management, operation and maintenance program. These improvements represent the work of 134 projects, designed to keep the KUB compliant with its permits under the Clean Water Act.

The KUB has also completed two SEPs. The first made $2 million available for lateral repair financial assistance, while the second provided funding to the Tennessee Clean Water Network (TCWN) for the creation of the Williams Creek Urban Forest, which occupies roughly 5 acres.