Wednesday, June 19, 2024

EPA awards University of Texas grant to improve state's schools

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Friday that it has awarded the University of Texas (UT) Cockrell School of Engineering a grant of nearly $1 million to research asthma-related information gaps between environmental factors and student health.

“With a team of engineering, planning and health professionals, we hope to shed light on how indoor environmental conditions affect students and teachers’ health and learning, as well as test low-cost practical solutions to improve indoor air quality,” Cockrell School of Engineering chair of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Richard Corsi said. “We believe that the critical knowledge we gain over the next four years in Central Texas will eventually be applied to other schools nationally.”

The funding will support UT's High School Partnership in Research on Indoor Environments project, which is a four-year effort to investigate the environments of Texas schools, including noise, lighting and indoor air quality. The project will also entail a hands-on approach with students, who will complete workshops and team projects in line with its goals.

“This project will discover innovative and practical solutions to improve our schools,” EPA Regional Administrator Ron Curry said. “We want to make sure our schools are healthy places for our children to learn, play and grow.”