Monday, June 17, 2024

Energy and Power Subcommittee releases draft legislation to improve energy diplomacy

Following a bipartisan delegation trip to Europe, the House Energy and Power Subcommittee released a discussion draft Tuesday, aimed at increasing energy diplomacy, which will be included in the upcoming Architecture of Abundance legislation.

“America is emerging as the world’s leading energy superpower, but with this triumph comes new opportunities and diplomatic responsibilities,” said a statement by Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-KY). “Our abundance of resources can be used to fortify our own energy security while also supporting our allies in their quest for affordable and reliable energy.”

The European trip, which included a visit to Ukraine, entailed learning about the energy challenges faced by American allies and meetings with local leaders. The proposed legislation would, among other things, develop a federal task force to improve agency coordination for major energy projects, develop stronger interconnection with Canada and Mexico to ensure energy security and make cross-energy infrastructure projects easier with an updated review process.

The subcommittee will be reviewing the draft, titled “Title III: Energy Diplomacy,” twice in the upcoming weeks, at a hearing with Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on May 21 and at another hearing scheduled for June 2.