Boston mayor announces metropolitan area climate change agreement

“The Metro Boston region is a dense coastal area that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,” Walsh said. “Cities and towns in the Greater Boston area share environmental vulnerabilities, and a regional platform will ensure coordinated and complementary resiliency and climate action efforts.”
The preparedness commitment will see the 14 cities and towns of the Metro Mayors Coalition (MMC) coordinate in regards to infrastructure, best practices, policy recommendations at the state and federal level, and funding and investment, all aimed at making the area more resistant to the effects of climate change. The task force will meet roughly six times a year and develop and implement the strategies for accomplishing the commitment’s goals.
“Neither the Atlantic Ocean nor the weather respects municipal boundaries,” Somerville Mayor and Chairman of the MMC Joseph A. Curtatone said. “The cities and towns of Metro Boston share built infrastructure and natural resources. If our region wants to mitigate the threat [of] climate change and increase our resiliency, we also need to share common principles and work toward shared goals.”