EPA announces $13.5 million available for clean diesel grants

“Governments and nonprofits who install clean diesel technology are doing more than just saving money -- they’re creating cleaner, healthier air for their employees and their community’s residents,” Office of Transportation and Air Quality Director Chris Grundler said. “Our goal is to help diesel fleets across the country make this a reality, grant by grant.”
While diesel engines are efficient, their pollutants are linked to lung disease, heart disease and asthma and respiratory illnesses, among other health problems. The EPA has been funding clean diesel technology under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) since 2006.
For this round of grants, eligibility is extended to government agencies and port authorities that are charged with transportation or air quality, as well as nonprofits that educate diesel fleet operators or promote clean transportation or air quality. Ten to 40 grants will be awarded, with a maximum amount of $2.14 million.
The selection criteria will favor applicants with particular specifications, including those that will continue to reduce emissions upon project completion and projects that will benefit local communities.