Sunday, June 16, 2024

EPA, Atlanta Metropolitan State College enter environmental sustainability agreement

As delineated in a memorandum of understanding with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Atlanta Metropolitan State College (AMSC) will develop sustainable campuses and communities in Atlanta and the surrounding area.

The memorandum was signed today by EPA Regional Air, Pesticides and Toxics Management Division Director Beverly Banister and AMSC President Gary McGaha. With its signing, the EPA and AMSC have shown their willingness to work together where their interests intersect for a period of three years.

Working with local underrepresented communities, AMSC will further the area’s environmental sustainability and general health with technical assistance, outreach and training.

On campus, the memorandum dictates increased opportunities for both students and faculty, including training and internships for the former and research support for the latter. It will also create more environmental and public health initiatives. Off campus, the memorandum will increase AMSC’s outreach efforts on environmental issues to the surrounding communities.

The memorandum also means that AMSC will participate in the EPA’s Region 4 Environmental Science Partnership Program, which seeks to cultivate qualified and culturally diverse graduates to address the challenges of the future.