Friday, June 14, 2024

Massachusetts creates 2 offices to promote community partnership

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) said April 16 it has created an Office of Municipal Partnerships and Governmental Affairs and an Office of Permit and Regulatory Ombudsman and Special Projects.

"Creating these offices will better enable MassDEP to work closely with communities and local officials throughout the commonwealth," said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton.

The Office of Municipal Partnerships will be responsible for liaising with community groups and leaders, including other governmental agencies and legislatures, as well as providing information and assistance to groups that regularly work with the MassDEP. In creating the Office of Permit and Regulatory Ombudsman and Special Projects, MassDEP has designated one place where those inquiring about complex projects that require permits and coordination with multiple departments can easily get information.

MassDEP is also working on its information systems and planning updates that will allow permitting and other functions to be applied for online.

"A deep bond with cities and towns across Massachusetts is a priority for the Baker-Polito administration as we work together to improve the quality-of-life for all our citizens," Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito said. "These new offices at MassDEP will help provide services tailored to each community's needs."