Monday, June 17, 2024

House subcommittee reviews Ratepayer Protection Act

Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY)
Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY) | Courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives

Chaired by Rep. Ed Whitfeld (R-KY), the House Subcommittee in Energy and Power held a hearing Tuesday regarding the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Power Plan and an opposing Ratepayer Protection Act.

A proposed rule from the EPA would limit carbon dioxide emissions from power plants across the country. Proponents of the Ratepayer Protection Act say this could lead to increasing electricity prices on residences and business.

If enacted, the proposed ratepayer protection act would require judicial review of EPA plans and would exempt states if the review found a rule or regulation would have an adverse effect on energy consumers or system reliability. 

Testimony was heard from EPA's acting Administrator Janet McCabe, energy economist Eugene Trisko, and representatives of energy consumers and ratepayers. 

According to research conducted by Trisko, measures like the Clean Power Plan would increase energy costs. He states that in low-income families and the elderly, this would cause undue strain on budgets as they tend to spend a larger proportion of their earnings on energy costs.

The EPA argues that the Ratepayer Protection Act is an attempt to interfere with its duties with regard to the Clean Air Act.