Syngenta offers new growth regulator to help control mosquitoes

The Demand CS insecticide + Archer Multipak for Pest Management Professionals (PMP) will help provide solutions that are cost-effective to fight a wide variety of pests and insects with two different products.
“Value is often hard to find in our industry, especially when PMPs want to purchase multiple products for their businesses,” John Dombrosky, head of marketing for Syngenta PPM Americas, said. “The Demand CS + Archer Multipak gives PMPs the ability to provide customers 60 days of mosquito control through the SecureChoice Mosquito Assurance Program for just pennies on the dollar, all while saving on product costs.”
Demand CS provides residual control of more than 30 different pests, while Archer disrupts the reproduction cycle of those pests. The Multipak will contain 2 quarts of Demand CS and 5 pints of Archer, which is enough to create 80 gallons of the solution when using the low labeled rate of Archer and high rate of Demand CS.
“Syngenta PPM is committed to providing integrated solutions for PMPs and their businesses,” Gregg Wisniewski, marketing manager for Syngenta PPM in North America, said. “By making the Demand CS + Archer Multipak compatible with our SecureChoice Mosquito Assurance Program and PestPartners 365 Program, we’ve made it easy for PMPs to incorporate the Multipak into their existing and future pest control offerings.”