Sunday, January 26, 2025

State adds 15 days to comment period for oil and gas well site performance standards revisions

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced Monday the extension of the public comment period for revisions to oil and gas well site standards, as well as the addition of three public hearings.

“This oil and gas rule making will have a lasting impact on Pennsylvania’s people, environment and energy economy,” acting DEP Secretary John Quigley said. “It is imperative that DEP goes the extra mile, takes that extra step and puts in this additional work to modernize and strengthen these regulations."

The initial 30-day public comment period has been extended 15 days, now ending May 19. The public hearings will be geographically spread with two in the northern tier of the state and one in the southwest.

The current rule making, which will affect the Environmental Protection Performance Standards at Oil and Gas Well Sites (Chapter 78 and 78a), was started in 2011 and is meant to update current requirements to address new technologies.

“We are committed to protecting public health and the environment, while promoting responsible drilling,” Quigley said.