EPA Region 10 completed more than 25 enforcement actions at end of 2014

Washington led the states in actions taken against organizations within its borders with 11, including issues with risk management program requirements, violations of industrial stormwater general permits and violations of underground storage tank rules, among others.
Alaska had six actions, including one taken against Delta Western, Inc., for violating spill prevention and control rules, which resulted in a $205,000 fine. Idaho and Oregon each had four violations on issues ranging from violations of wetlands protection rules to violations of toxic release inventory reporting rules.
In addition to the statewide cases, there were also two national cases undertaken in Region 10 – against Costco Wholesale Corporation for violating ozone-depleting substances rules and a judicial action for bankruptcy settlement against Tronoz Bankruptcy – as well as a multi-state case against Sulphur Mills, Ltd., for violating pesticide rules.
The enforcement actions play a dual role: maintaining the health of the area’s air, land and water; and ensuring that violators do not gain an unfair advantage over businesses that adhere to EPA standards.