Thursday, June 20, 2024

Fine Americas registers new plant growth regulator

Fine Americas, Inc., a developer and marketer of plant growth regulators (PGRs) for fruit and operational crops, recently received federal Section 3 registration for its new product, Refine.

Refine contains the active ingredient naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), which allows it to maximize crop quality and yield for apples, pears, citrus and olives.

“Refine will assume a prominent place in our growing portfolio of PGRs for the fruit industry,” Fine America’s President Greg Johnson said. “[It] will play an important role in helping growers produce the highest quality crops in the most efficient manner possible.”

For apples and pairs, Refine contributes to thinning during heavy-bearing years. When applied seven to 14 days before harvest, it can reduce losses due to wind and knockdown-related premature fruit drop. For apples, it can also promote bloom during off years, creating larger fruit, especially in varieties that bloom in alternate years such as Fuji, Jonagold, Mutsu, Breaburn and Golden Delicious.

“This feature allows apple growers to meet market demands on a more consistent basis,” Fine Technical Services Manager Jim Scruggs said. 

Refine is also approved for thinning in olives and citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, mandarins, tangelos and tangors.