Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ohio EPA holds public hearing about annual agenda

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) heard public comments and answered questions about their proposed annual agenda for the Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF) at a public meeting today in Columbus.

The OEEF, which provides grants to educate students, teachers and the general public on environmental issues, plans to continue with a number of past projects in the upcoming year. These include school-based programs as well as ones targeting the general public.

Among other programs, the Ohio EPA plans to continue granting scholarships for students studying environmental science and engineering at Ohio schools and an Environmental Career Ambassador program. Under the credible data law, it will also create opportunities for local citizens school classes to monitor area streams.

In choosing which programs to fund, the OEEF is guided by four educational priorities, which focus on improving air quality by reducing emissions, improving water quality by reducing storm water pollution, improving water quality by reducing nutrient loads in streams and lakes and encouraging and explaining habitat restoration efforts.

Today’s hearing was part of the process for submitting the OEEF’s annual agenda, which is required by law and will be submitted to the General Assembly by April 1.