Sunday, June 16, 2024

Waste management association president says coal ash disposal bill now addresses states' concerns

Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) President Michael Forbeck said the draft of a federal bill concerning the disposal of coal ash now addresses state concerns.

Forbeck told members of the the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy on March 18 that by permitting states to implement the technical requirements in EPA’s final rule through a coal combustion residuals rule (CCR) permit program, the proposed bill eliminates dual state and federal regulatory authority.

“Overall, ASTSWMO believes the discussion draft has successfully captured the essential parts of the EPA rule on coal combustion residuals management that are germane to the protection of the environment and public health, and has modified or added those areas that improve upon the rule,” Forbeck said. “We also believe that this discussion draft has addressed the main concerns that ATSWMO expressed regarding EPA’s final rule on CCR in our testimony before this subcommittee on Jan. 22, 2015.”

Forbeck said he was pleased the bill requires financial assurances for inactive surface impoundments that are closed, adding that these funds guarantee long-term compliance with environmental and public health requirements. “Financial assurance is an important component in state waste programs, and ASTSWMO has supported the inclusion of financial assurance as a key program element in final EPA CCR rule under Subtitle D,” he said.