Friday, September 20, 2024

Michigan proposes new regulations on sulfur dioxide emissions in Detroit

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) released a proposed plan late last week  to lower sulfur dioxide emissions in southwest Detroit and will be seeking public opinion on the regulations in the coming weeks.
The DEQ said this area of Wayne County is currently in compliance with federal sulfur dioxide standards, and that the proposed rule will continue that trend. Several years ago, southwest Detroit’s air did not meet federal standards, which triggered legal action and a requirement that Michigan create a plan for emissions management.

The proposed plan would ensure continued compliance through revised permits, which would apply to DTE Trenton Channel, DTE River Rouge, EES Coke and Carmeuse Lime. The new permit terms would require the companies to both lower their emissions and better disperse them. The plan also includes a state rule that would require U.S. Steel to lower its emissions.

The DEQ will host an informational meeting and public hearing on the proposed regulation at 6 p.m. on Sept. 23 at River Rouge High School Auditorium, 1460 W. Coolidge Highway, in River Rouge, when department representatives will accept oral and written public comments after their presentation. Comments also will be accepted via regular mail or email through Oct. 5.