Wednesday, September 18, 2024

EPA seeks nominations for panel on changes to Risk Management Plan

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is calling for nominations of small businesses, governments and nonprofit organizations to serve on a Small Business Advocacy Review (SABR) panel on proposed changes to the current Risk Management Plan (RMP).

The selected organizations will serve as Small Entity Representatives (SER) and will give input on developments to the RMP, which the EPA is updating to improve toxic and flammable substance safety at chemical facilities by reducing the possibility of their release and improving response in the event of an emergency. The rule developments are in line with an August 2013 executive order that called for the prevention of chemical accidents through the federal government, and directed tasks like improving federal agency coordination, modernizing policies and working with stakeholders to develop best practices.

The EPA is asking for self-nominations from small entities or from trade associations that deal with small entities, which must be received by July 3. Accepted nominees will give advice and recommendations on behalf of their organization and will join federal representatives from the EPA, the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).